What is DSC ?

A Developer Student Clubs is a Google recognised student body at a college which directly reports to Google for their activities and is supported by the tech giant.

A DSC conducts workshops, seminars and other fun activities which help the students connect with Google.


Our aim at DSC-GIT is to make students learn new technologies and encourage them build new projects so that they become job ready.

Sample image

We conduct workshops to make students gain more knowledge and also learn new stuff.


DSC-GIT Bootcamps are a big hit because we make sure you get your hands on new tech stack and implement it in your projects as well.

We focus on :

Machine Learning

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves

App Development

One of the most intriguing areas of software development has always been mobile development.
Because mobile development presents a pretty unique opportunity for a one-person development team to build an actual, usable, meaningful app end-to-end in a relatively short period of time. Mobile development also represents an entrepreneurial opportunity which is well within most programmers’ reach.

Web Development

Web application development is the creation of application programs that reside on remote servers and are delivered to the user's device over the Internet. ... Client refers to a computer application such as a web browser. Client-side programming will typically utilize HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Most websites that are created these days make use of the latest Web applications on their site, so as to make their site seem more technically sound and improved too. Maintaining standard of a website helps to create a better impression on people than not.

Chrome Extension, Actions on Google, Adobe XD and many more to come....

Why DSC?

Developer Students Club-GIT is a Google recognized student body at KLS GIT which directly reports to Google Developers for their activities and is supported by the tech giant.

DSC-GIT conducts workshops, seminars and other fun activities which help the students connect with Google.

Meet the Team!
Anas Sajan

Lead DSC



DSC Core Team Member


Aishwarya Kulkarni

DSC Core Team Member


Ujjwal Raj

DSC Core Team Member


Kartikey Singh

DSC Core Team Member


Akshay Raichur

DSC Core Team Member


Want your photo here? Apply right now!!

DSC Guidelines

1. Grow your knowledge on developer technologies and more through peer to peer workshops and events.

2. Gain relevant industry experience by solving problems for local organizations with technology based solutions.

3. Showcase your prototypes and solutions to your local community and industry leaders.

Apply to be in Core DSC Team

Apply Now!

Note : Since there are lots of people who want to join our team, We will be conducting some workshops/contests and whoever performs the best will be selected.

Note : Since there are lots of people who want to join our team, We will be conducting some workshops/contests and whoever performs the best will be selected.